Monday, December 27, 2010

Shocking Video on Today's Teens

An interesting and yet sad video on current statistics on today's teenagers:


  1. so sad...thanks for sharing. it makes me realize how teens really need an ear to listed or a shoulder to cry on...

  2. Probably the number one reason I'm afraid to ever have children.

  3. so sad to read. This is the reason why we need pray for this generation.

  4. Interesting statistics but not shocking. Maybe the world has changed, but good parenting hasn't. I believe I was a parent that loved unconditionally, listened with a sympathetic ear, held my kids when they were hurt or sad, and laughed and cried with them. Kids need parents who give them rules and boundaries; they actually want this!!!!

  5. P said....
    Sad statistics! What place does taking God out of the schools (and homes) and putting the internet in have to do with these numbers!? Parenting and protecting our children is the most difficult and important job we have. We can't do it without the strength and wisdom from God.
